Mother's Day With

Amy Hawkes

When Amy Hawkes isn't working in her role as Creative Director and co-owner of The Horse, she's the Mum of nine year old Teddy and six year old Daisy. To celebrate Mother's Day we sit down with one of the women in our world to share motherhood, treasured life advice and her personal style.

Q: The perfect Mother’s Day looks like….

A: A coffee in bed, cute sounds coming from the kitchen and two little faces coming into the bedroom with their go at breakkie and their handmade cards.

Q: What is your favourite thing about being a mother?

A: The joy and the wonder they bring to our family and our home.

Q: What’s the best piece of advice your mother has given you?

A: It may not be advice, but Mum has always modeled a warmth and generous hospitality to people. We grew up with close family friends coming over and ‘Thank You’ notes from people on the bench. I hope I carry that now.

Q: What are you most proud of as a mother?

A: Being a part of raising two wonderful little people. Our kids are 9 and 6 now and Scotty and I are really mindful of enjoying these days and the ages they are right now. I’m proud of who they are becoming, what they are standing for, who they are gravitating towards - choosing good friends for themselves.

Q: How would you describe your style?

A: Low-key contemporary but down for fun.